
Discover who you are!

Learn to love your individuality.

Do you ever feel like an unsolved puzzle?

You are here because you sense that there is more to you. Perhaps you have tried various paths to better understand yourself. Human Design is the key to your authentic self. It’s like learning the language of your soul.

Are you ready to discover the secrets of your soul? Human Design is like a mirror to your true self. Let’s dive together into your unique world and find the treasures that have always been hidden within you.

You Are Not Alone

We all have moments of uncertainty and doubt. But what if there was a way to transform this uncertainty into confidence? Into clarity about the next step? We offer you the answers your soul is seeking.

Find your inner magic with Human Design!

Human Design - as unique as your fingerprint

Embarking on the adventure and exploring the secrets of Human Design can be a transformative experience, providing you with profound insights into your true identity and unique talents. Like an individual fingerprint, your Human Design offers you a special combination of energy, strategy, and wisdom that only you can bring into the world.

By diving into the world of Human Design, you gain the tools to unleash your full potential and activate your inner strength. By embracing and living your uniqueness, you become the visionary leader our world so desperately needs.

Your Blueprint for a Fulfilled Life

Imagine having an instruction manual for your life. A guide that shows you how to make decisions that truly fulfill you. How to lead relationships that nourish you. Human Design is this guide—unique as your fingerprint.

Your Personal Map for Self-Discovery

Human Design is more than just a system; it’s a living, dynamic map of your unique energy configuration. It combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and chakra theory to give you deep insights into your true nature, your strengths and weaknesses, your communication styles, and much more. It is the key to a life in harmony with your true self.

“I have rediscovered so many things about myself that help me feel better.
Human Design is a great tool that gives names to my deepest feelings and intuitions about myself
—helping me accept myself the way I am.”

Gesa, 30 years old

How a Human Design Reading can help you:

Deep Self-Understanding

Gain unparalleled insights into your true nature, strengths, and challenges. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to self-acceptance.

Harmonious Relationships

Understand how you interact with others and build relationships that are both fulfilling and harmonious.

Improved Well-being

Discover your unique path to physical and emotional well-being, tailored just for you.

Better Decision-Making

Navigate life's choices with confidence and clarity, using strategies that are aligned with your unique design.

Spiritual Growth

Embark on a spiritual journey that aligns with your core being, making every day more meaningful.

Career Fulfillment

Align your career with your innate talents and strengths for greater job satisfaction and success.


We’ll create a comprehensive PDF for you, packed with all the essential information you need to dive into your personal Human Design journey. It’s perfect for revisiting time and again, serving as your ideal starting point to reconnect with your true self and embrace your uniqueness.

Reading via Audio File + PDF

Either Eva or Alex will record a professional audio file for you, diving deep into your personal Human Design and guiding you through your initial steps. On top of that, you’ll also receive the comprehensive PDF, so you can revisit and re-listen to your personalized insights anytime you wish.

About us:


Splenic Projector, 5/1 Profile

Sports therapist, Doula, and mother of two children. Raised among shamans in Nepal, Eva brings a holistic and spiritual perspective to her readings.


Sacral Manifesting Generator, 3/5 Profile, Quad Right

Digital Marketing Specialist and father of three children. Alex discovered Human Design during a life crisis and now wants to share his acquired knowledge and experiences.

What people say after their reading:

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