
Learn the basics of Human Design on one page

Human Design often is explained as highly complicated and feels overwhealming, when you first hear about it and want to start your experiment. That is one of the reasons, why we started this page.

We want to give everybody the chance to learn the basics easy, get access to more in-depth information if wanted – and become a hughe part in spreading Human Design all over the world. We truly believe in Human Design and once you understood the basics you will see Human Design and the mechanics everywhere. It is – to us – an undeniable truth. But please see for yourself – and as Ra Uru Hu, the founder used to say: “Don´t believe what you read here – go try and see what happens.”

As a beginner in Human Design this page will give you all the information and explanation you need to start your experiment. There are certain words that you will always hear and read when studying, such as Type, Strategy, Authority – and after reading the whole page here, you will get what it means in general – and how all of this fits together and makes sense.

On HumanDesign-Start.com we want to give you the opportunity to learn from one source and stop the overwhealming process of jumping from one voice of Human Design to the next, often interpreting the source material in a different way. That is the second thing, we want to give you: everything is based on source material. Human Design is not very old, in fact it came around in 1982. So there is no need in changing the powerful original words into something that “fits into today” – like so many of these readers out there do.

We want to offer everything you need to self-study as a beginner and at the same time of course give you the opportunity to learn from us and our team – so if you are interested in receiving a reading, that´s no problem. Also we offer our Human Design Report, that explains your Human Design and gives you the information at hand you need to understand and sort it out. If you like what we do here, please subscribe to our newsletter and tell your friends. But now: let´s start with your journey:

The energy types in Human Design - what´s aura and strategy

Human Design offers a unique lens to view the diverse tapestry of humanity, categorizing individuals into five distinct Types: Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. Each Type has its own strategy, a guideline to making decisions and interacting with the world, which, when followed, leads to a life of fulfillment and purpose.

  1. Manifestors, the initiators, are here to inform others of their intentions, allowing for smoother interactions and mutual trust.
  2. Generators and Manifesting Generators, the builders and dynamic creators, find their path by responding to life’s cues, leading to mastery and satisfaction.
  3. Projectors, the guides, wait for invitations to share their insights, gaining recognition and success.
  4. Reflectors, the mirrors of society, navigate life by aligning with the Lunar cycle, discovering wonder and opportunities.


When each Type truly lives out their strategy, a harmonious synergy emerges. Manifestors pave the way with clear intentions, Generators and Manifesting Generators respond with sustained energy, Projectors guide with their wisdom, and Reflectors adapt and reflect the environment’s health.

Imagine a world where everyone is living in alignment with their Human Design. The prevalent frustration would transform into a collective satisfaction. Manifestors would initiate with clarity, Generators would build with joy, Manifesting Generators would create with efficiency, Projectors would guide with wisdom, and Reflectors would reflect a balanced and harmonious world.

This alignment would usher in a new era of mutual understanding, cooperation, and peace. A world where each individual, regardless of their Type, contributes to the collective well-being and fulfillment, creating a satisfied and harmonious world for all.

Generator in Human Design

  • Aura: Open and Enveloping
  • Strategy: To Respond
  • Overview: Generators are the builders and doers, the sustaining life force of the world. They find satisfaction in mastery and productivity, thriving when they respond to life’s cues rather than initiating actions.
  • Not-Self Theme: Frustration

Generators have a special way to live: they need to wait for something from the outside to respond to. This is how they unlock the power of their Sacral Center. The sounds they make, like “Aha,” “Uh-huh,” or “Nope…,” let them know if things are right for them. It’s important for Generators to stop starting things by themselves and to live life waiting patiently. Their Aura is like a magnet, bringing in the right people and questions without them having to do anything.

Trying to live by their Design helps Generators understand their true selves and how to use their Sacral energy properly. When they do this, they feel a deep satisfaction with their life and any project they put their energy into. For Generators, the not-self theme is frustration. When they initiate rather than wait to respond, or when they commit to something that isn’t right for them, it leads to a feeling of frustration. This is a sign that they are not living in alignment with their true Design. Learning to wait to respond can help Generators avoid frustration and find satisfaction in their lives.

Manifesting Generator in Human Design

  • Aura: Open and Enveloping
  • Strategy: To Respond, then Inform
  • Overview: Manifesting Generators are the dynamic creators, blending the initiating power of Manifestors with the sustaining energy of Generators. They are multi-talented and fast-paced, flourishing when they respond, inform, and then act with efficiency.
  • Not-Self Theme: Frustration and Anger

Manifesting Generators navigate life uniquely; their journey is about waiting to respond to external signals. This approach is the key to harnessing the full potential of their Sacral Center’s energy. The response sounds, such as “Aha,” “Uh-huh,” or “Nope…,” are their guides to understanding if a path is correct for them. For Manifesting Generators, it’s essential to avoid initiating actions independently. Instead, embracing a life of patient anticipation is the way forward. Their Aura naturally attracts the right opportunities and inquiries, acting like a magnet. When a positive response is received, it’s their cue to dive into action immediately! The presence of the Manifesting component, the channel connecting the Throat and a Motor, provides them clarity within the ongoing process itself.

Living in alignment with their Design enables Manifesting Generators to eliminate undue haste and master the utilization of their Sacral energy effectively. This alignment brings a profound sense of satisfaction in their life and in every endeavor they invest their energy, time, and strength into. Manifesting Generators combine the initiating abilities of Manifestors with the sustaining power of Generators. They are designed to wait for a response before leaping and to execute actions with efficiency and clarity once they ascertain it’s the right direction. Aligning with their responsive strategy allows them to bypass frustration and experience a life filled with satisfaction and vibrant energy.

Projector in Human Design

  • Aura: Focused and Absorbing
  • Strategy: To Wait for the Invitation
  • Overview: Projectors are the wise overseers and guides, adept at managing and directing energies. They excel when recognized and invited into activities and roles, sharing their insights to optimize and guide.
  • Not-Self Theme: Bitterness

Projectors have a special purpose: they are here to look after the well-being of Generators. They can tap into the energy of Generators only when there’s mutual value recognition and an invitation to join their process. So, the strategy for Projectors is to wait patiently for an invitation. Being noticed and invited is crucial for Projectors. It’s the right way to connect with another person’s energy, whether it’s a casual chat or more complex social interactions.

Finding fulfillment for Projectors is about being around the right people who truly value them. A genuine invitation to join someone else’s process is the key to unlocking their abilities and talents. Living by their Design shows Projectors that the right invitation comes when they are in a state of expectation. Moving from one invitation to another can turn their life into a journey of self-worth, true recognition, and success. Projectors are meant to guide and manage the energies around them. They thrive when they are recognized and invited into interactions, allowing them to share their insights and wisdom. By waiting for invitations from the right people, Projectors can experience a life filled with value, acknowledgment, and accomplishments.

Manifestor in Human Design

  • Aura: Closed and Repelling
  • Strategy: To Inform
  • Overview: Manifestors are the kings and queens, possessing the power to initiate and impact. They blaze trails, affecting others and the environment with their presence. Informing before initiating is key to manifesting their visions effectively.
  • Not-Self Theme: Anger

The strategy for Manifestors is pretty straightforward – let people know your intentions before you start anything. This doesn’t mean asking for permission or sharing all your plans; it’s just about informing those you’re in auric contact with. Informing is the key to avoiding unnecessary resistance and staying focused on your actions. When you politely inform others, they naturally become part of your process and support you. If you let people know you don’t need help, they won’t disturb you with unnecessary questions or unwanted curiosity.

When you start sharing your intentions, people will trust you more and resist less. This gives you the freedom to fully use your strength and find inner peace. The key question for Manifestors is: “Who am I influencing here and now?” Manifestors are here to understand their impact on others and learn to use this power correctly. Living by their Design allows them to manage this power and use their talents efficiently. Following their Type’s Strategy and trusting their inner Authority brings Manifestors the inner peace they seek. Manifestors are meant to initiate and influence. They are here to understand the depth of their impact and to navigate it wisely. By openly communicating their intentions and aligning with their inner Authority, Manifestors can experience a harmonious journey filled with trust, freedom, and peace.

Reflector in Human Design

  • Aura: Resistant and Sampling
  • Strategy: To Wait a Lunar Cycle
  • Overview: Reflectors are the mirrors of the community, reflecting its well-being. They gain clarity by waiting a lunar cycle before making major decisions, allowing them to align with their environment and evaluate accurately.
  • Not-Self Theme: Dissapointment

All Types feel the effects of celestial body transits, but Reflectors feel this the most. The strategy for Reflectors is to live in tune with the Lunar cycle’s transit program, which lasts 28 days, consciously translating life’s scenario through it. By following the Lunar cycle, Reflectors can stop mirroring other people and trying to fit into their molds. They can use the mechanics shown in their rave chart due to transit activations to learn new skills or abilities.

It’s important for Reflectors to watch the temporary activations of the Gate closely, which the Moon and other celestial bodies trigger in their chart! They can not only see how these transient energies shape their behavior but also literally feel their impact at the body level! When Reflectors learn to use their adaptability correctly, they’ll be amazed at the opportunities life presents to them. Reflectors are the mirrors of the world, adapting and reflecting the energies around them. They are here to explore life’s possibilities through their unique adaptability and to navigate their journey with the guidance of the Lunar cycle. By embracing their mutable nature and aligning with celestial influences, Reflectors can experience a life filled with wonder and discovery.

Your Inner Authority - decision-making NOT from the mind is key

Who doesn’t yearn for a happy life? But what does that really entail? In the realm of Human Design, it all revolves around decision-making and the art of making the right choices to lead a life free from resistance. A life that flows effortlessly. The secret, which is not much of a secret when you think about it, lies at the intersection of three essential components: external conditioning, decision-making driven by the mind heavily influenced by conditioning, and the path to liberation from the first two.

Consider this: from the moment we enter the world as newborns, we are immersed in a sea of homogenization and conditioning. From infancy, we are subjected to countless tests to ensure conformity to societal norms. This process continues throughout childhood, with parents imparting a plethora of “how to do it” instructions, often inherited from their parents or society at large. To fit into society, we must adhere to certain norms and rules, and being different can often lead to challenges.

Here’s the bottom line: what comes from the outside world is not truly YOU. In the realm of Human Design, it is elegantly stated, and quantum mechanics backs it up – your BODY takes the lead. Not your mind. Your BODY inherently knows when, where, what, and how to act, or not to act. Your BODY is following a plan – YOUR plan. However, if you ignore your body’s wisdom, you’ll encounter resistance in life. That’s why decision-making is of paramount importance, considering we make hundreds, even thousands of decisions daily. What to eat. To drink or not to drink. Go to work or stay home. Brush your teeth or skip it. The list goes on. And how do we typically make these decisions? It’s usually through our minds. Our minds, colored by conditioning, dictate what we should do. “I must attend that meeting; otherwise, I might lose my job or friends,” our mind tells us, offering a multitude of potential consequences. And so, we “make up our minds” and act according to its guidance.

Interestingly, even in modern society, there are expressions that inadvertently reveal this secret – “I decided from my gut” or “I need to sleep on it.” Various forms of decision-making exist, and every individual possesses one as their “Inner Authority.” It remains constant throughout life. The two most common Inner Authorities are Emotional and Sacral Authorities – precisely the ones described earlier.

Emotional Authorities cannot make on-the-spot decisions. They just can’t. They must “sleep on it” or, as Human Design puts it, ride through their emotional waves. They need as much time as necessary until they reach a clear “yes” or “no.” Now, consider the challenge in modern society for these individuals: do they take the time to make considered decisions? Do they receive the needed time from others? Do people understand that getting an answer from emotional authority individuals takes time? How often do these individuals say “yes” to something like a meeting one day, only to wake up the next day and not feel like attending – experiencing resistance? What if these individuals start saying, “I don’t know; give me some time to think, and I’ll get back to you”? They would cease doing things they don’t want to do. It’s as simple as that.

The second most common Inner Authority is the Sacral Authority, reserved for Generators alone. These individuals “listen to their gut.” They instinctively know if they have the energy for something or not. You can literally hear it when someone has a sacral authority because the sacral makes sounds – it says “aha” or “eheh” when asked a yes/no question. For instance, “Do you want to go and eat ice cream?” will elicit one of these noises, signifying whether the sacral feels the surge of energy in their gut to proceed (“aha”) or not (“eheh”). It’s always in the present, with no room for advance planning. If the sacral says no, and you proceed anyway, your body lacks the energy for it. You can still do it, but you’re doing it “from the mind” and will inevitably encounter resistance.

Resistance is the very thing we all seek to eliminate to lead a “happy life.” This is where the Energy Types’ not-self themes come into play. Whenever you sense your not-self theme, you’re making decisions that don’t align with your body, leading to resistance in your life.

So, in our quest for happiness, the secret lies in aligning with our Inner Authority, embracing our body’s wisdom, and making choices that bring harmony and flow, ultimately leading to a life free from resistance.

Emotional Authority

Emotional Authority in Human Design is a decision-making strategy that relies on a distinct emotional wave to guide choices. Individuals with this authority experience a cyclic emotional pattern, moving between phases of clarity and turmoil. During clear moments, they can confidently make decisions, while in turbulent emotional states, it’s advisable to postpone choices until clarity returns.

Spontaneous, in-the-moment decisions aren’t their forte. Instead, those with Emotional Authority require time to process emotions before committing to a decision. Phrases like “Let me think about it” or “I’ll get back to you” are common responses to choices. This waiting period allows for decisions that harmonize with their true desires and minimizes the risk of impulsive choices driven by emotional intensity.

By embracing their emotional wave and patiently awaiting clarity, individuals with Emotional Authority can make decisions that lead to enhanced satisfaction, inner harmony, and alignment with their authentic selves.

Sacral Authority

Sacral Authority in Human Design is a decision-making strategy primarily associated with Generators and Manifesting Generators. It’s often referred to as the “gut response.” Individuals with Sacral Authority have a direct connection to the energy center known as the Sacral, which generates a distinctive guttural sound—like “aha” for a yes response or “uh-uh” for a no response.

The key feature of Sacral Authority is its responsiveness to the present moment. People with this authority type excel at making spontaneous decisions based on how their body feels right now. They can quickly gauge if they have the energy and enthusiasm for a task or opportunity. When asked a yes/no question, their gut instinctively responds with an audible sound, indicating whether they should proceed or decline.

Sacral Authority individuals thrive when they listen to their gut responses and honor their body’s signals. By following their gut instincts, they align with their true path, experience reduced resistance, and find fulfillment in tasks that genuinely resonate with their energy.

Splenic Authority

Splenic Authority is associated with a deep sense of inner knowing and intuition. This authority type is connected to the Spleen center, an ancient and instinctive part of our awareness.

Individuals with Splenic Authority have a heightened sensitivity to the immediate environment. They often experience intuitive flashes or strong gut feelings about people, places, or situations. These insights provide them with an almost instinctual sense of what is right or wrong in the present moment.

One distinctive aspect is that the feeling of “yes” or “no” arises only once and is often immediate. Therefore, those with this authority type need to practice tuning into their intuition diligently to hear and trust that initial response.

When faced with choices, they should pay close attention to their gut feelings or intuitive hunches, which are typically clear and instantaneous. It’s essential to trust their intuition and make decisions swiftly, as trying to reevaluate can lead to doubt and confusion.

Ego-Manifested Authority

go-Manifested Authority in Human Design is a decision-making strategy rooted in a distinct inner authority located in the Ego center. Individuals with this authority type possess a strong sense of self and purpose.

People with Ego-Manifested Authority often have a compelling inner drive and confidence in their decisions. Their authority arises from a sense of personal willpower and determination. When presented with choices, they may feel a resounding “yes” or “no” deep within themselves, a direct response from their Ego center.

Unlike some other authority types, Ego-Manifested Authorities do not require external input or questions to make decisions. They rely on their internal conviction and unwavering sense of self. When faced with choices, they should listen to their inner knowing, which is often characterized by a strong, immediate response.

It’s crucial for individuals with Ego-Manifested Authority to trust their inner sense of purpose and confidence. Doubt or hesitation can arise if they second-guess their initial response. By embracing their innate self-assuredness and determination, they can navigate life in alignment with their authentic selves, leading to a path of empowerment and fulfillment.

Ego-Projected Authority

Individuals with this authority type have a distinct inner authority driven by their sense of self-worth and their need to express their truth.

Those with Ego-Projected Authority often possess a powerful inner voice and an unshakable sense of their own value. They make decisions based on a deep understanding of their worthiness and a desire to communicate their truth. When presented with choices, they may feel a strong, assertive “yes” or “no” that emanates from their Ego center and finds expression through their Throat center.

Unlike some other authority types, Ego-Projected Authorities do not rely on external questions to make decisions. They trust their inner conviction and their need to authentically express themselves. When faced with choices, they should listen to their inner sense of value and communicate their decisions assertively and confidently.

It’s essential for individuals with Ego-Projected Authority to embrace their self-worth and their need to express their truth. Doubt or hesitation can arise if they neglect their inner voice or attempt to conform to external pressures. By honoring their inner authority, they can navigate life in alignment with their authentic selves, leading to a path of self-expression, empowerment, and fulfillment.

Self-Projected Authority

Self-Projected Authority in Human Design is a decision-making strategy that places a significant emphasis on an individual’s internal dialogue and self-reflection. Those with this authority type rely on their own internal thoughts and process to make decisions.

Individuals with Self-Projected Authority are often introspective and find clarity by talking things out with themselves. They may need to engage in a self-dialogue, whether silently or out loud, to reach a decision. In essence, they “project” their thoughts onto themselves to gain insight and guidance.

Unlike some other authority types, those with Self-Projected Authority don’t necessarily require external questions or input to make decisions. They trust their inner dialogue and self-reflection as the primary means to reach clarity. When faced with choices, they should allow themselves the time and space for this inner dialogue to occur, which often leads to a clear and confident decision.

It’s crucial for individuals with Self-Projected Authority to honor their need for self-reflection and internal dialogue. Rushing decisions or seeking too much external advice can lead to confusion or doubt. By embracing their inner thought process and giving it the attention it deserves, they can navigate life in alignment with their authentic selves, leading to a path of self-discovery, clarity, and fulfillment.

Lunar Authority

Lunar Authority in Human Design is a decision-making strategy closely tied to the lunar cycle and the way individuals respond to its phases. Those with Lunar Authority rely on the natural ebb and flow of the moon’s energy to guide their decisions.

Individuals with Lunar Authority are attuned to the energy shifts brought about by the moon’s phases, which last approximately 28 days. They may notice variations in their own energy levels, moods, and decision-making abilities during this cycle. These fluctuations provide valuable insights into when to take action and when to pause.

Unlike some other authority types, those with Lunar Authority don’t necessarily rely on immediate responses or external questions to make decisions. They allow the lunar cycle to influence their choices, understanding that certain times are more conducive to action, while others are better suited for reflection and planning.

It’s essential for individuals with Lunar Authority to embrace their natural connection to the moon’s energy and trust its guidance. By aligning their decisions with the phases of the lunar cycle, they can navigate life in harmony with the cosmic rhythm, leading to a path of heightened intuition, balance, and fulfillment.

Mental / No Inner Authority

Individuals with “No Inner Authority” or “Mental Authority” in Human Design have a unique decision-making strategy. They rely on their mental process to assess and analyze choices, often contemplating decisions over time. While they may not have a specific inner authority center like Emotional, Sacral, or others, they use their mental faculties as the primary means of making choices.

People with Mental Authority typically take their time to consider options thoroughly. They may weigh pros and cons, conduct research, or engage in extensive analysis before arriving at a decision. The key for them is to allow their mental process to run its course, avoiding hasty or impulsive choices.

Unlike some other authority types, individuals with Mental Authority may not have strong immediate gut feelings or emotional responses guiding their decisions. Instead, they trust in their mental clarity and logic. When faced with choices, they should provide themselves with the necessary time and space to think through options comprehensively.

It’s essential for those with Mental Authority to honor their inclination for mental assessment and avoid rushing into decisions prematurely. By allowing their mental process to unfold and providing ample time for reflection, they can navigate life with a focus on logic, analysis, and informed choices, leading to a path of clarity and sound decision-making.

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The profiles in Human Design

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